It’s the insurance nightmare you dread.
You’ve heard about people paying their monthly premiums faithfully only to discover they weren’t really covered by insurance — too late.
Because unknown to them, buried in the fine print on page 11 of their policy was an exception that left the insurance company exempt. Then, facing huge losses in the tens (or hundreds!) of thousands, they had to dig deep into their own pockets to pay it off.
The nightmare we help protect YOU from — with our Ideal Triple-Point Protection Assurance:
Protection Assurance 1
We ask ALL the right questions so not a single clause you need is overlooked.
Because understanding the coverage you need is OUR job, not yours.
Protection Assurance 2
We double-check all information with you before we pass it on to the insurance provider. This way documents are accurate — and protection is guaranteed.
Because even tiny mistakes like not listing your name properly can jeopardize coverage.
Protection Assurance 3
We scrutinize the final policy sent back from the provider to make sure nothing was changed, your policy date is correct and the coverage is what we promised.
Because even providers can let errors slip in, and we make it our responsibility to catch them.